We are proud to announce our High School Acceptances 2021

Blessed Sacrament School has been a beacon of hope and a hub for families and students to experience the life changing effects of a Jesuit Catholic Education. We have walked with our students who have gone on to impressive higher education and become leaders committed to serving with a profound sense of social justice. With your support we have achieved this goal many times over. This year we are especially proud of our eighth graders who will be attending Immaculate Heart, Loyola, Cathedral, La Salle, and Bishop Conaty.
Unfortunately, our enrollment has continued to decline due to significantly fewer school-aged children in the surrounding neighborhoods. Moreover, the pandemic has further undermined the ability for the school to remain sustainable. The Archdiocese Department of Catholic Schools has collaborated with Archbishop Gomez, Auxiliary Bishop Clark, and school leadership, to assess the current situation our school is facing. The decision is that the Preschool-8 program at Blessed Sacrament cease operations at the end of the current school year. We remain hopeful that this is not a permanent state of our school. The time has come to step back and reimagine an educational institution that will flourish in Hollywood’s community.
The Archdiocese is working closely with each family enrolled at Blessed Sacrament to ensure that all students can register at another Catholic school. We are grateful that your gifts have helped us support so many amazing students and we will continue to celebrate the rich history that Blessed Sacrament stands for in the heart of Hollywood.
Please continue to stay in touch with our vibrant Blessed Sacrament Parish and Jesuit Alumni Ministry. For more information please visit us at https://blessedsacramenthollywood.org