Blessed Sacrament School has a rich, 103 year history and many outstanding alumni from this Hollywood institution spread across California, the nation, and the world. While typically it is harder to keep in touch with elementary school grads than it is with college graduates, Blessed Sacrament’s close-knit campus atmosphere helps to create an environment in which alumni cherish the years they spent here and want to maintain that connection. We now have a core active group who are working to build and strengthen the bonds and memories of those early school years. The alumni organization is actively planning events that will bring these former classmates together.
If you would like to reconnect, we’d love to hear from you. Please send your contact information to and you will be added to the mailing list for news and information about events. Include your name, address, phone, email address and the years that you attended school at Blessed Sacrament and the year of your graduation, if you graduated from our school. Please feel free to supply us with additional information, if you like. Are you still in school and if so, where? Are you working? What work do you do? Do you have hobbies, a family? Are you still in touch with other Blessed Sacrament alumni? Let us hear from you and tell us how to reach you. You help keep Blessed Sacrament School strong when you keep in touch.